1:1 Session

I'm also offering support if you are going through grief and loss. A lot comes up during this time, and you don't have to go through it alone. Whether it's more recent or something that has been weighing you down for many years, I'm here for you.



 If you're interested in more support and transformation, look into my 12-week program below. You can book a free 30-minute discovery call where you'll get a taste of what it feels like to work with me, receive tips you can start using right away, and explore what would be possible to achieve in just 3 months.

I created this option because it provides ongoing weekly support, which I find crucial when we feel overwhelmed and inclined to retreat. This approach allows me to support you via texts and follow a more structured plan that ensures significant progress in your well-being while remaining flexible and responsive to your immediate needs.

Return To Yourself

A comprehensive 12-week one-on-one coaching program to help you restore your sense of self, experience a healthier body, an empowered mind, and fulfilling relationships.


This might be for you if you struggle with any of these.


  • Feeling lost, lacking clarity about your direction in life (healing, career, relationships...)
  • Knowing that something needs to change but not sure where to start and afraid to make a wrong choice
  • Indecisiveness and procrastination
  • Feeling easily overwhelmed and stuck
  • Watching time slip away, fearing you're missing out on life's best moments
  • Experiencing frustration, shame, and sadness for not living the life you believe you could have
  • Feeling drained by juggling too many to-dos and responsibilities
  • Reading books, listening to podcasts, trying different things but not making any progress
  • Unsure about where to start and not seeing a clear path to feeling better
  • You find  yourself often wanting to run or hide (just craving some peace)
  • Unable to calm down your mind, feeling like you are going to go crazy
  • Struggling with chronic ailments such as anxiety, panic attacks, pain, and uncomfortable emotional states"

All these struggles above are the reasons I created this program.

I've been there, and I totally get how it feels. It's exhausting, lonely, silent struggle while you are doing your best to keep up with day-to-day things, feeling confused when you look around and witness others who seem to have things figured out.

Healing lies beyond strategies, yet another tool, or the correct advice. It's in someone's willingness to hear, see, witness, and hold close what others would rather ignore. It's in getting educated about things that are hard to stumble upon in a world focused on removing pain, quick fixes, and hyper-independence.

If finding a way out of these struggles is possible for me and for others, it's definitely possible for you. ♡


Sarah N.

West Vancouver

I just love working with Kamila! I battled depression and overwhelm for years. I tried many things, and nothing worked. Kamila creates a safe space where vulnerability is not just accepted but celebrated. She helped me navigate the depths of my emotions and somehow guided me from despair to joy. Her unique approach and deep understanding of sensitivity have been a game-changer!

Here is what to expect

  1. Weekly calls. We meet once a week for an hour.

  2. Real-time support. I value deep connection and creating more meaningful relationships, which is why I chose this format instead of a prerecorded course. There is so much unspoken information being transmitted between two people interacting. A prerecorded course wouldn't address those emotions, questions, and much more that come up for you in real-time as we work together.

  3. 24/7 support via text and voice messages, because life happens on other days, not just on the day of our meeting.
  4. Personalized approach. Healing is not one-size-fits-all. You are unique, and your healing journey will be too. In 1-on-1 live sessions, we have a chance to understand what resonates with you and omit all the stuff that is not relevant, leaving you less overwhelmed and equipped with tools that will actually help you, not just stress you out. 
  5. We are going for lasting change.  We will work on both conscious and subconscious levels of your mind. Our sessions will be a combination of psychotherapeutic approaches to understand how your past affects you, using somatic methods to tap into the wisdom of your body for healing, supporting your nervous system at the level it needs to create lasting change. 

  6. Focused on women. Our cyclicality has a big say in the way we experience the world. Many modalities and approaches are based on a more linear, non-cyclical model, often neglecting our unique nature. When used excessively, they can actually lead women to exhaustion and burnout.

  7. It's simple, but not always easy. Quick fixes just don't work. The promise of a fast way to healing is, in the end, the longest path chosen. 
  8. It is fun! We will play, pretend, cry, laugh, move, get serious, create, learn, get excited,..
    Healing journey is magical and my mission is to show you how!

If this sounds like what you’re looking for, let’s have an initial
30-minute chat to see if it’s a good fit!


The Results 

  • Find out who you are at a very deep level.
  • Feel heard, seen, valued, and supported.
  • Be in the driver's seat of your life.
  • Be confident and sure in your choices.
  • Understand your needs, values, and direction in life.
  • Understand your emotions and know how to process them.
  • Create a life full of new experiences, and memories with close ones.
  • Have fulfilling deep relationships with yourself and others.
  • Be more productive, get what you want without burning yourself out.
  • Feel relaxed and calm, enjoy rest when you need to refill your cup.
  • Feel motivated to wake up in the morning.
  • Be more present to experience life fully.
Michaela M. L., Vancouver

Working with Kamila has been a transformative journey. Her compassion, deep understanding, ability to hold space, and diverse therapeutic approaches have shed so much light on what was going on in my life. I feel like a new person now. I felt seen and supported for the first time in my life. She showed me a completely new way to relate to my life! I'm so grateful!!!

My approach is based in these values...


Safe connection

Building relationship based on trust, transparency, honesty and respect. Free to be authentically you. 


There is so much nuance to life, not just good or bad.  Developing curiosity over judgement is crucial.


Play is our biological need. It helps us process emotions. Using play in healing makes this journey fun.

Innate wisdom

Learn to trust again, create safe space and observe. The vast intelligence that built your body also knows how to heal it. 


Exploring what is important to you. What is stopping you from fully embodying your truth. 

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